When you rent out your property to someone, you expect that your tenant will respect the property and keep it in good condition. You expect that they won’t use it for illegal activities and that they will pay rent on time. If they don’t, it can be tempting to inspect the property at your discretion. […]
When you rent your property to a tenant, you are entering into a legally binding agreement. Both you and your tenant have certain responsibilities under Michigan law. The signed rental contract can protect you in a variety of less-than-ideal situations that Michigan landlords often find themselves in. Here are 5 things you need to have […]
While landlords run into their fair share of problems when renting out their property, such as tenants who don’t pay their rent on time or who damage the property, there is one type of tenant issue that incites fear and frustration in landlords across the state. If you suspect your tenant is using the property they […]
Non-payment of rent is a significant issue for landlords. When tenants don’t pay their rent on time, a landlord must learn about and exercise his rights over the property and, unfortunately, this can cause things to get messy. Handle a tenant that doesn’t pay with the help of an experienced landlord-tenant attorney. Issue a Late […]
Under Michigan Law, tenants have a responsibility to not cause damage to a rental property outside the scope of normal wear and tear. Damages can be expensive for a landlord to repair, and in many cases, the tenant can be held responsible for the costs of the damage. Here’s what you can do if a […]